Thursday, July 21, 2011


This is the first in what I hope to be at least a year long project in which I take a cell phone self portrait a day. So far I have been working on this project as a way of exercising my creativity and simply sharing it with my friends on Facebook. At the urging of many, I've decided to set up a blog to share it with the rest of you in the hopes of inspiring anyone I can to put a little more creativity into their lives. I try not to be too gimmicky with filters or in camera effects, but instead try and take photos that are unique and interesting in their composition, expression, and subject matter, especially since the subject matter is technically always the same. I simply want to create a fun journal through images, challenging myself to describe the defining theme or feel of the day through a single image. Enjoy the first 9 of the series and check back in everyday to see what else I'm up too!

click on the images to enlarge

7/13/11 The image that started it all!

7/14/11 At the sewing machine. Shocking.

7/15/11 8am business calls. Yup, this is who you're talking too.

7/16/11 It's a Fla*Vor*Ice kinda day.

7/17/11 As many Lucy's as will fit in one frame.

7/18/11 Playing photographer today.

7/19/11 Taking in the McQueen show at the Met.

7/20/11 Too much bulls**t for one day.

7/21/11 The only place to be on a 100 degree day.

1 comment:

  1. You are of course too dang cool. Love how sew easy you make your projects!! Pinkalicious Hugs, Jonnie
